Charlotte Salomon's Blog

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Kiss?

(pictures are used for educational purpose only)

In this post we compare a painting from Gustav Klimt and Marc Chagall with a gouache of Charlotte. Would you like to be kissed by Daberlohn or by the man in the painting of Gustav Klimt?


(pictures are used for educational purpose only)

Some students are taking part in the ARTSCENE festival. They are playing some scenes of Charlotte's life. Here you see a scene based on the three-head gouache. They bring the mother (Franziska), the father (Albert) and Charlotte back to life and by doing so, they show the complex relationship between this three family members.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Relationship Paulinka and Daberlohn

(pictures are used for educational purpose only)

First gouache:

Paulinka: "please go now, and excuse me, pray-for when my husband comes home I must attend to him right away."
Daberlohn: "I'd like to see you again tomorrow at ten, if I may.' ('What a touching wife! Her duties seem to take up too much of her life.")
Paulinka: "Hello there, my sniffle-bunny."

This was the dialogue between Daberlohn and Paulinka at their first meeting. This was also the first singing-lesson for Paulinka which she got from Daberlohn. Daberlohn was her new singing-teacher. Here you can see clearly that Paulinka doesn't like Daberlohn in the beginning. But that wil change very soon.

Second and third gouache:

Daberlohn: "But perhaps I am boring you with all these details.
Paulinka: "No, on the contrary, I find it quite fascinating. Do go on."

The second lesson, Daberlohn has given his book to Paulinka. She was very impressed by reading his story. After a few days she sold a ring and she gives the money to Daberlohn. She had got a bit compassion with him because he hadn't a lot of property and money. Do you think this is the start of a love relationship between Paulinka and Daberlohn ?

Love relationship Charlotte and Daberlohn

(pictures are used for educational purpose only)

On this gouache you see, Daberlohn and Charlotte. You can see this gouache as one of the most intimate of the whole series. It can express a couple of things. Either you see this gouache as the climax of their relationship or you can see it as the repression of Charlotte in their relation ship. Because of the way that this gouache is painted, we don’t think it expresses a lot of love. The yellow colour is not exactly very romantic. This is a prove that it isn’t easy for us to see the difference between making love or having sex. So now is the moment for you to decide which one defines this gouache…

Monday, October 16, 2006

Three-cornered relationship Charlotte-Daberlohn-Paulinka

(pictures are used for educational purpose only)

Paulinka and Daberlohn, the man who had a relationship with both Paulinka and Charlotte, leave the house. With a lot of pain in her heart Charlotte noticed how they disappeared into the night… This post is about the relationship between Charlotte and Daberlohn. At first they had a student-teacher relationship but very soon it became a love relationship. I think the affaire was very painful for Charlotte because she knew that he had a relationship with her stepmother.
All the lies she had to tell, the discussions she had with Daberlohn,… In our opinion a sad story, but what do you think about such a relationship?

Monday, October 09, 2006

Short biography of Charlotte Salomon

(pictures are used for educational purpose only)

16 april 1917 Charlotte Salomon is born.
1926 Her mother Franziska commits suicide.
1927-1933 Charlotte attends the Fürstin Bismarck Gymnasium.
1930 Her father Albert Salomon marries the singer Paula Lindberg.
1934 Grandparents Grünwald settle in the South of France. Charlotte has private lessons in drawing.
1935/36 Charlotte attends the Vereinigte Staatschule für Freie und Angewandt Kunst in Berlin.
1938 Albert Salomon is arrested and brought to Sachsenhausen concentration camp. With help of the resistance his wife Paula gets him out again.
1939 Charlotte leaves for the South of France, to live with her grandparents. Grandmother Grünwald takes her own life after the outbreak of World War II.
1942 Alexander Nagler enters Charlotte's life.
1943 Grandfather Grünwald dies
17/06/1943 Charlotte marries Alexander Nagler.
1943 Both are arrested by the Gestapo. Transport to Auschwitz.
10/08/1943 Charlotte Salomon is killed.
1944 Alexander Nagler is killed.