Short biography of Charlotte Salomon
16 april 1917 Charlotte Salomon is born.
1926 Her mother Franziska commits suicide.
1927-1933 Charlotte attends the Fürstin Bismarck Gymnasium.
1930 Her father Albert Salomon marries the singer Paula Lindberg.
1934 Grandparents Grünwald settle in the South of France. Charlotte has private lessons in drawing.
1935/36 Charlotte attends the Vereinigte Staatschule für Freie und Angewandt Kunst in Berlin.
1938 Albert Salomon is arrested and brought to Sachsenhausen concentration camp. With help of the resistance his wife Paula gets him out again.
1939 Charlotte leaves for the South of France, to live with her grandparents. Grandmother Grünwald takes her own life after the outbreak of World War II.
1942 Alexander Nagler enters Charlotte's life.
1943 Grandfather Grünwald dies
17/06/1943 Charlotte marries Alexander Nagler.
1943 Both are arrested by the Gestapo. Transport to Auschwitz.
10/08/1943 Charlotte Salomon is killed.
1944 Alexander Nagler is killed.
I am amazed by Charlotte's story. But don't you think it would be better to really bring her story to life with some of her gouaches?
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 2:46:00 pm
We think you're absolutely right! We're going to do everything to bring her story back to life.
The Spotters, at Monday, October 09, 2006 2:48:00 pm
I think this was a really good idea: now we see the whole story of Charlotte. We saw a lot of gouaches, lots of parts of her life, bur now we really see a review of her life, that's great!
p.s. I didn't even know she was married...:s
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 26, 2006 8:26:00 pm
I thought I knew very much about Charlotte Salomon, but when I see this, ... It's very interesting. Well done !!!
Anonymous, at Saturday, November 18, 2006 5:09:00 pm
the horror the horror....of all of this. a beautiful woman murdered after having created one of the greatest documents of this or any century.
Warren Leming
Warren Leming, at Monday, December 09, 2019 12:56:00 am
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