Beginning and ending

These two images are very much alike. The picture on the left is our decor from art scene and on the right the painting is one of charlotte. The story of Charlotte begins with two empty benches and ends with empty benches. And if they're on the bench, it isn't for a long time, just like their relationship, it doesn't last so long too.
This makes me think of the fact that also life has a beginning and an ending. You are born and some day you will die, but it's those things that make your life meaningfull. It's not the beginning and the ending that is important, but it's how you spend the time between the beginning and the ending that makes your life worth living for. Everything has a beginning and an ending, when Charlotte meets Daberlohn, she knows that one day, that love has to end, but although she takes the risk to love him, she really lives, and that's important.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, January 17, 2007 3:00:00 pm
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