Charlotte Salomon by Greet Vissers
Thursday the 8th of February we went to the play ‘Charlotte Salomon’ by Greet Vissers. It was performed by theatre group ‘Blauw’ in playroom the Schakel in Waregem. The story was represented well. With the use of puppets everything was very clear. The stage setting was very simple: A black piano on the right with a pianist and an opera singer, both dressed in black. The rest of the stage setting and the players were white. By using those contrasts, you could see very well who the real actors were and who took care of the singing. Dressed in black, you immediately saw that they didn’t belong to the actors. They used coloured puppets and players dressed in white. The players were portrayed as a white sheet of paper and the puppets were the drawings who came alive. The actors were chosen well, different from Charlotte. She was portrayed too immature and too open. The storybook with the gouaches gave the impression that Charlotte was rather withdrawn.
I really liked seeing this play! Although I didn't like the end, I enjoyed it a lot. It was good to see an other interpretation of Charlottes work.
Anonymous, at Monday, April 02, 2007 5:17:00 pm
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